I’ve got a bunch more projects to finish up this quarter. Lots more opportunity for long arm practice. I’m also excited because I’m really close to completing a few projects that I’ve been working on for a long time.
Here they are:
- Circa 1934 Squares: This is the quarter! I’m doing it! I have a quilting plan and will get it loaded up in the next week or so.
- Red, Black and White Coins: I finished the quilt top in Q1 and it is ready to quilt.
- Green Coins: This is an older UFO that I recently reworked. It originally had cream sashing and looked terrible, so I tore out the cream and inserted the green instead. Much better, and ready to be quilted.
- Caterpillar Quilt: Still need to get this quilt top together but it should be quick. I think I’ll use this quilt top as another Pro-stitcher practice quilt.
- Sugar Block Club 3.0: I mostly have a quilting plan ready to go. I need to piece together a backing and get up the courage to do the quilting.
- Blueberry Park Drunkard’s Path: blocks are done – need to put it together and quilt it. This one just hasn’t been inspiring me, so I need to figure out what I want to do with it.
- Splendid Sampler: The quilt top is all together and it looks great. I need to piece the back and figure out how I want to quilt it.
- Bee-utiful Quilt along: I have 4 more blocks to do before I finish all the sashing and setting to get the top together. This would be a stretch, but I will make progress.
Fewer projects this quarter, but ones that I care more about. I need to gather my long arming confidence and just go do it!
Linking up with the Q2’17 FAL page