I’m going to QuiltCon!
This will be my first trip to QuiltCon and I am very excited. I kind of stepped my way into it…I saw the hotel blocks were announced so I made a reservation, then the catalog came out and I started choosing classes. I was really nervous about the registration process because I always see all this drama online about it – servers going down, classes selling out, etc.. I wound up on work travel the day of registration so I was sitting in my hotel room with my computer and class lists, ready to go. All my concern and worry turned out to be totally unnecessary – it was really a slick process. I got all the classes I wanted and the whole thing was complete in about 5 minutes.
I am probably taking way too many classes, but there were just so many great ones to choose from. I decided to focus my time on design and quilting workshops. This is where I’ll be:
Alternative Grids in EQ8 – Cheryl Brickey
Fill it with Style – Jodi Robinson
Exploring Minimalism – Michelle Wilkie
Designing Modern Quilts – Heather Black
Designing with Negative Space – Sylvia Schaefer
One Shape, Endless Possibilities – Jodi Robinson
So many things I’m excited about –
- I haven’t been to Austin since I interviewed for a job there a LONG time ago. Should be fun…though it appears I’ll mainly be in classes!
- I follow a lot of these instructors online and I’m excited to meet them – and others – in real life!
- I’ve taken pretty much all of Angela Walters’ classes so I didn’t sign up for those (though she is awesome). I really like what Jodi Robinson does and I’m looking forward to learning from her.
- I am very much self taught in EQ8, so a class will be great.
- I love Sylvia Schaefer’s ‘Designing with Negative Space’ book so I’m so excited for the class.
I can’t wait! Will I see you there?