Q4’18 FAL Goal Setting

I really can’t believe that it is already the last quarter of the year.  It has kind of both been a really short and a really long year, so given that I still can’t believe we are in the last quarter.  I’m going to try and wrap up this year with some good projects to finish.

Here is the list:

My Angela Walters Swirl FMQ Challenge Quilt:

I just started quilting this one and it is good practice.  I’ve been away from my long arm for a bit, so it is a good one to get going with again.

The Hawaiian Quilt:

I’m not going to lie…quilting this guy is making me really nervous.  I’m not sure what to do with it, there will be lots of thread color changes, and after all that hand appliqué I really want it to look great.  I need to get up my nerve and get going!


Summer Sampler 2018:

These were my first blocks, along with a photobomb from Sarafina (Saffy – she is so helpful).  I have 3 more blocks to finish along with the hourglass setting blocks, so I’m hoping this quilt top is a quick finish.


Orange Peels:

I’ve made a bunch of blocks and have a plan.  I’m excited to see how this comes together.


Spinning Stars:


Just a fabric pull at this point, but I should get some time to work on it soon.




I’ll link my list up on the Q4’18 FAL site and look forward to getting a bunch of these done to finish up the year.



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