Well here it is July, and so we are halfway through the year. I find this both surprising and overdue – I can’t believe it’s mid-year already, but it also has been a pretty long year so far. I had lots of good change – I got to make a move in my job that I think will eventually wind up to be a very good thing, but I haven’t quite gotten through the transition and it has been a lot of work. I’ve also had problems with my foot which has been painful and a battle, and my poor dog Leo (Mr. Brown Paws) has had a rough year. But overall we are good, and I am looking forward to fall!
These were my goals for the year, along with a status update:
Looking Forward – 2018
For 2018, my word of the year is Grow – as in build or develop. I feel like I set up a good base in 2017 and now it’s time to really branch into some new things.
Long Term Goals – keeping these the same, because they are pretty good ones!
- Find a good balance between work and life and make sure I keep making time to sew. Getting a bit more physical activity and losing a few pounds wouldn’t be a bad idea either! UPDATE: Still a work in progress. I made a work change that will be a good thing, and I did start doing yoga again about a month ago. Hoping for more progress here in the latter part of the year.
- Continue to try new things with my quilting. Learn new skills, make things that are outside my norm and my comfort zone. UPDATE: Kind of so-so here…I spent more time on my long arm and used the Angela Walters quilt-a-long to really try some new things. I’ve also done more client quilting, which was really scary at first, but is getting more comfortable.
Short Term Goals:
- Design some quilts. I’d really like to push myself and make some original things this year. I think I have a mental block about designing and am making it too hard. This year I want to push myself to get over this hump. I am the Queen of my Bee group in February, and this year I will design my own block. UPDATE: Eh. Not so great here. I kind of designed a block for February, but haven’t done much since. I did take a great class with Bill Kerr from Modern Quilt Design Studio, and I think I got some good ideas there. This is the study I completed during that class:
2. Submit my designs, either full quilts or just blocks, for publication. I don’t care if they are accepted or not – I just want to get them designed, created, and put myself out there and submit them. UPDATE: No progress 🙁
3. Build my long arm customer base. I’ve started my business and have had a few customers, but I’d really like to do more. UPDATE: I did ok here. I’m not booming with business, but I did have a few more clients this year. I could still grow some more. Here are some great customer quilts from so far this year. All of these were done using the Pro Stitcher on my Handi Quilter Avante.
4. Learn to use my new camera. I got a new DSLR camera for Christmas to help me take better photos. I have absolutely no idea how to use it, so it fits well into my ‘grow’ mantra for the year! UPDATE: I’ve taken a few classes and done a bit of practice, but more progress to be made.
Projects on the list:
- Finish the Bee-u-tiful Quilt along quilt – it is on the frame now and close to done. – DONE
- A secret project that I need to get done by mid-March. I get to use my Alison Glass stash, so it will be cool! DONE
- My Hazel the Hedgehog quilt. DONE
- My Hawaiian Batik blocks – need to figure out how I want to put these blocks together and get the top done. Quilt top is together now – just need to quilt it.
- Another baby quilt – I think I have until June…? DONE – this was the One Fish quilt.
- Finish and quilt up my Dog quilt from the 2016 Bee Inspired group. Quilt top is together now – just need to quilt it.
- Work up the Cat Quilt. Haven’t started 🙁
- From there, my docket is clear to design new things. Now to just generate some ideas…? Still looking for ideas!
I didn’t get as far with my goals as I’d like so far this year, but I did have a big shift at work that kept me busy. Right now I’m just happy doing a bunch of sewing for relaxation! And maybe I’ll figure out how to do some designing too…
Linking up with the 2018 MidYear Review.
I’d say you are doing very, very well in attaining your goals. Good for you, Ann! Seeing all of you goal setters and makers is inspiring me to check and see where I am at.
You are doing a great job with many of your goals…I always stall at the create my own patterns /designs part as well. Not sure what can be done about that.
For mid-year, you are on track! Still plenty of time to reach those others goals. Good luck!
I think you have done a great job on your goals given the job changes and challenges that life inevitable tosses our way through the year. I hope you continue to settle into the new position and that when you look back on the second half of the year you find you have accomplished most of your goals.
Thanks Yvonne – appreciate you hosting the check-in.